luni, 28 mai 2012

My work Past and Present


January 2010– Present (2 years 5 months)Bucharest, Romania

Owner Borzoi & Macaw Ads, Events

Borzoi & Macaw Events offers YOU :

• The possibility to meet Exotique, Rare Beasts of the Wild
• Members of our Joy Team have won titles
• Champions of Romania & Bulgaria, with forbears Champions of the World
• You could spend a few hours in the company of our Macaw and 5 Borzoi

If you choose Borzoi & Macaw Events, you benefit from a
• Unique Meeting with the Most Beautiful Creatures on Earth
• More than decent cost for a memorable event
• Exotique character: nobody else has such a Team.. in the World
• Instructive, humoresque and entertaining experience
• Awesome sight of watching a macaw (or two) fly, play, preen, etc
• Interactive programme, as opposed to the alternatives
• Hundreds of pics of You with our team to be posted on Facebook 
Macaw & Borzoi have been long appreciated by Royal and Noble Communities
Fascinating in appearence, move and flight –Macaw and Borzoi awe any audience
These Majestic beings will impress your group and provide You with an unforgettable experience..The therapeutic, psychological benefits of interaction with canine, bird companions have long been established..
As opposed to a regular zoo, you will be able to approach, interact, caress the animals –provided the approach and touch are gentle, respectful
Full information will be provided, different stances will be available
Our event is dedicated to a sophisticated audience, which will appreciate splendor
However, if the public is rowdy, we will take the team out of the premises
We have an unique, sensitive team..we expect the same consideration that we have for our hosts
„A picture is worth 100 words”: you can see our albums and, more important, YOU and your party will be able to take hundreds of photos..

You may even LIKE our page:!/BorzoiMacawAdsEvents

March 2012:
The ad in which our Macaw is the Star Atraction!!!:
on Your screens now..

This position is associated with:

September 2006– Present (5 years 9 months)Bucharest, Romania

We're talking about an Imperial Breed. Some of Creation's or Evolution's Best Achievements..

They are so much worth a Documentary, which we may co-produce together: what do you think? Are you in?

(Why a) Borzoi, Macaw & Burmese Documentary
• This is about the Most Beautiful, Rare, Exotique Team in the World
• This is a Unique project, with an Blissful Subject-
• This “cast „ may be the only one of its kind in The World!
• Borzoi, Macaw & Burmese…have you seen them together…anywhere??
• It provides The Answer to the Question: How can I be Happy, without spending a fortune, winning the lottery
• The Euro Dog Show aka The European Championship will take place in Romania, in the fall
• There are both funny and dramatic threads in the script/story
• We have the takes, a script and the final documentary can be offered later on to other networks, Animal Planet, Discovery Channels, etc
• It may even win some (Academy? ) Awards
• The “plain” view of the borzoi and macaw lives no room for indifference-
• People either get butterflies in their stomach seeing just one or the other
• All together they will be a smash hit
• It presents Evolution’s or Creation’s Best Achievements

Possible titles: Heavenly Creatures, A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever, The Best Picture Show…

This is a passion...Queen Mary had borzoi, not to mention the Czars and the Russian nobility...As for macaws, the pirates, Jack Sparrow had them :)

This position is associated with:

1995– Present (17 years)Bucharest, Romania

Board Member & Partner


Privately Held; 51-200 employees; Import and Export industry

I am Board Member involved in defining strategy. I own part of the company and consult with the General Manager on a regular basis. Even if (or because) our views differ, our frequent exchanges help establish a more moderate course. I support drastic cuts and much lower expenses, which contradict with the mild view of other board members. Perhaps this is for the best, a policy of balance results and if I will continue to press ahead for lay-offs, much lower expenses and more cost-efficiency, perhaps helping to prevent a profligacy from destabilising the company...Enshallah!!

January 2008– December 2008 (1 year)Bucharest, Romania

Community Liason Officer


This when I tried my hand at "Community Service" : I got involved in the work of a "Community Of House Owners"-
I cleaned the water system, eliminated one (out of three) useless security guard, brought in speed limits and bumpers, collected all the email addresses (still in use today, unknown before I arrived), advertised on the premises with a good deal of success, created a special fund for planting trees and flowers, established a connection for the water sewage, created events: Olympic bracelets (as co-producer), 1st of May, etc....Prevented rogue outside neighbours from organizing round the clock manele concerts, launched a multitude of initiatives: children planting flowers, creative-intelligent games, etc organized a playground which brought my "downfall" -a family (which has an always-barking dog) complained about....the noise...asking for me to be canned, police squads, secret service, riot police, etc
all this in spite (or because of) a tremedous effort to communicate, with weekly newsletters, a blog (unknown before or after) and enormous pressure form parents..
I would only add that I agree with Mrs. Lagarde: "instead of wasting efforts on rich guys, one is better off doing something for the children of Niger"

August 2001July 2007 (6 years)Rasnov
Together with my wife, we made an investment in a Transylvanian Property...organized and supervised a construction team. My wife provided the design, we added a floor to the construction, we dramatically improved the quality of the fixtures, added stairs, an outside pond, even a sauna...In the end, the property was sold with five times the initial money we spent on it, due to the upsurge in property value, but also because of the good job we've done in managing and developing this estate

Public Company; 10,001+ employees; AT&T Inc.; Computer Networking industry
March 1994March 1997 (3 years 1 month)Romania & Bulgaria
The AT&T experience has been a tremendous ride, needless to say.. From a quiet quasi Communist economy I had to jump on one of the biggest Capitalist Ships there was (and still is). In fact, while I was on board AT&T was in the top 10 major companies in The World...After my departure, their decline, alas, could not be stopped :) I regret their relegaton to a position somewhere in the major league, but far from the top ...In Romania and Bulgaria I had to promote the AT&T Calling Card in virgin territory, organize events, negotiate with major players at The American Embassy, Am Cham, American School, IWA and more

This position is associated with:

Privately Held; 51-200 employees; Import and Export industry
February 1996December 1996 (11 months)Bucharest, Romania
As a stakeholder I am very interested in offering my very best expertise, knowledge...all I've got.

I even presented this formula for our company, which may be of interest to you:

Macaw & Borzoi Ads, Events

Avem un grup de cinci barzoi de exceptie care pot promova cu success brandul dumneavoastra

• Borzoii vor purta logoul firmei dumneavoastra si/sau insotitorul lor-
• Aparitia a doi (trei, sau mai multi) barzoi pe Calea Victoriei, Kisselef (de exemplu) ar fi un Fenomen Spectaculos, ‘Shock and Awe’
• Acest eveniment va atrage atentia, se va vorbi despre el, vor fi facute sute (mii) de poze, postate pe facebook, flicr, etc
• Va genera ‘buzz word’
• Barzoii sunt cunoscuti pentru aristocratia lor, sunt asociati cu nobilii, tzarii.
• Prestantza, raritatea lor atrage si impresioneaza audienta
• Echipa noastra are titluri in concursuri de specialitate:
• Patru sunt Campioni Romania, doi dintre ei sunt si Campioni Bulgaria (detinem numeroase titluri obtinute in concursuri oficiale: BOB, BOG, loc 1 Breeding Group, etc)
• Pentru un impact maxim un Splendid Ara Macaw poate fi introdus in ecuatie

Pentru mai multe informatii, puteti accesa blogul, pagina de Facebook, Youtube, scrie un mesaj sau telefona la 0744 514 516

Public Company; 10,001+ employees; AT&T Inc.; Computer Networking industry
June 1996August 1996 (3 months)Greater Atlanta Area
During The Atlanta Olympics I had to supervise the selling of Record Numbers of AT&T Calling Cards..As an Official Sponsor, AT&T has been very involved in events during The Olympic Games and we, The AT&T Olympic Team have contributed decisively to a Great Success: both in terms of Image and Fabulous Sales

February 1992March 1996 (4 years 2 months)Bucharest, Romania
Right after my work for Helsingin, Radio Sweden and other mass media, I had the chance to meet with Senior Players at The Smithsonian. They were very exited about my capabilities and they recommended me to both The Embassy and AT&T Regional Managers. As a consequence, for a good period of time, I was dealing with The Embassies of Major Powers and acting as AT&T Country Representative for The Calling Card Business...I organized tours for The American, British, Canadian well as for USAID, Peace Corps, American School, IWA, etc all with excellent results and references which can be provided, some of my activity is posted online at

Public Company; 10,001+ employees; AT&T Inc.; Computer Networking industry
March 1993March 1994 (1 year 1 month)Bulgaria
My work with The Embassy and The Smithsonian Tours brought me good references and a recommendation to start doing work for AT&T. I continued with my Travel Work, while a Consultant for AT&T, which was not a full time job, even if it meant covering Romania and Bulgaria and I had responsibility for Romania & Bulgaria: port Navy calls, organizing and sponsoring events...for instance IWA was sponsored by AT&T, upon by advice with $ 5,000. We were among the first (if not the very first) sponsors of American Embassy, American School Events. We had partenrships with Delta (when that company flew and did so from Romania), Magellan, Algernon, Medair...I created an Airport Programme, something never heard of before and much, much more ...all in a hybrid Communist-Capitalist System...where bakshish was still the key, Open Sesame password. What a long way we've come :)

February 1993March 1994 (1 year 2 months)Bucharest, Romania
With an incresing number of clients, I had to find a partner. Mind you, this is the beginning of a Capitalist Market, when resources (human, logistical and otherwise) were scarce.

Magellan proved to be the necessary support, in a win-win relationship were I gained in a period when I had to act on many fronts and Magellan had an upsurge in business.

July 1991August 1991 (2 months)Brussels Area, Belgium
As mentioned elsewhere on this page, I had the chance to organize a huge number of tours: one of the major clients came form Bastogne, Belgium. All the notabilities of the city came on a number of visits, as part of a Major Operation called Operation Villages Roumaines.. In the group we met Mr. Pierre Lutgen, then the Minister Of Agriculture for The Valon Region. He is a very high ranking official today and his reference can be viewed at

HR Assistant

Helsingin Sanomat

Public Company; 1001-5000 employees; Newspapers industry
July 1990August 1990 (2 months)Bucharest, Romania
In 1990 Romania was in turmoil: after (more or less of) a Revolution, there were miners attacks, goverment falling, elections, violence, killings, mass demonstrations and marches, leaders of the opposition under phisycal attack, short -all the ingredients in which the mass media is interested. I worked for a few outlets, all at the same time and had to provide a kind of Human Resources support, by bringing in people to help with translations, driving, arranging interviews, finding cars -which was difficult in the Third World that we were back then.

One of our tycoons of today, in the Top 500 Forbes, one of the first fifty, was brought in by me to work for Newsweek...which turned out to be a small step towards his success of today!!

January 1990July 1990 (7 months)Bucharest, Romania
During and after The Romanian "Revolution" I translated for Newsweek (where I'm proud to have been included in a story) Helsingin Sanomat, The Times, TIME Magazine and Radio Sweden

December 1989January 1990 (2 months)Bucharest, Romania
I am mentioned in Print, in The Newsweek 1989 December issue, with The Death of a Dictator on the cover, in an article which you can read on this blog
This when my carrer as a translator, consultant has started- meeting Michael Meyer, Newsweek's senior European Correspondent at the time. I also met with TIME''s Rome correspondent (the one available to cover the Romanian Revolution) and did work for him well as for the other newspapers and media outfits mentioned here, on this profile

Tour Guide

National Tourist Office

January 1984December 1989 (6 years) 
Perhaps 40% of the Richest Romanians have started as tour guides for the ONT. I know at least 30 in The Top Forbes, who had been doing this before 1989.
It was an Outfit organized very much along Communist lines, but it provided a contact with the Capitalist World and with that a little bit of training, under specail duress... Even if illegal, currency exchange took place, training our first would-be brockers in the process. Competion to the official offer was organized by individuals, such as myself and the future tycoon mentioned on this page...

we could
1. Organize an Awesome Event- together with our exotique team of 5 Borzoi Champions and the one and only Stupendous Macaw
2. Create a sensational ad, photo shoot, interaction, memorable name it
3. Use the experience accumulated and listed below for a New Challenge, an important position in your company or portfolio
4. Provide an excellent promotion with our offer stated on this page and also visible at